
How to Use

To see examples of how to use GAIO.jl explore the examples folder. This contains a Project.toml file that can be used to download all the necessary dependencies for the examples.

To try the examples, one can choose between two options:

  • (recommended) simply download an example file and see what packages are used, add them in the package manager
  • clone the GAIO.jl GitHub repository. Navigate to the repository folder /path/to/GAIO.jl/examples in the julia REPL using pwd and cd. Finally, call the following in the julia REPL
pkg> activate .
julia> pwd()

julia> cd("./examples")

(GAIO) pkg> activate .
  Activating project at `/path/to/GAIO.jl/examples`

(examples) pkg> dev ../
   Resolving package versions...
  No Changes to `/path/to/GAIO.jl/examples/Project.toml`
  No Changes to `/path/to/GAIO.jl/examples/Manifest.toml`

(examples) pkg> instantiate
  69 dependencies successfully precompiled in 74 seconds

Example Files