Data Structures

    Box{N,T}(center, radius)
    Box(center, radius)

    A generalized box in dimension N with element type T. Mathematically, this is a set

    \[[center_1 - radius_1,\ center_1 + radius_1) \ \times \ \ldots \ \times \ [center_N - radius_N,\ center_N + radius_N)\]


    • center: vector where the box's center is located
    • radius: vector of radii, length of the box in each dimension

    Methods implemented:

    :(==), in #, etc ...



    Return the center of a box.

    center(center, radius)

    Return the center of a box as an iterable. Default function for image_points in SampledBoxMaps.

    BoxPartition(domain::Box{N}, dims::NTuple{N,<:Integer} = ntuple(_->1, N))

    Data structure to partition a domain into a dims[1] x dims[2] x ... dims[N] equidistant box grid.


    • domain: box defining the entire domain
    • left: leftmost / bottom edge of the domain
    • scale: 1 / diameter of each box in the new partition (componentwise)
    • dims: tuple, number of boxes in each dimension

    Methods implemented:

    :(==), ndims, size, length, keys, keytype #, etc ...


    point_to_key(P::BoxPartition, point)

    Find the index for the box within a BoxPartition contatining a point, or nothing if the point does not lie in the domain.

    bounded_point_to_key(P::BoxPartition, point)

    Find the cartesian index of the nearest box within a BoxPartition to a point. Conicides with point_to_key if the point lies in the partition. Default behavior is to set NaN = Inf if NaNs are present in point.

    key_to_box(P::BoxPartition, key)

    Return the box associated with the index within a BoxPartition.

    point_to_box(P::AbstractBoxPartition, point)

    Find the box within a BoxPartition containing a point.

    subdivide(P::BoxPartition, dim) -> BoxPartition
    subdivide(B::BoxSet, dim) -> BoxSet

    Bisect every box in the BoxPartition or BoxSet along the axis dim, giving rise to a new partition of the domain, with double the amount of boxes.


    Binary tree structure to partition domain into (variably sized) boxes.


    • domain: Box denoting the full domain.
    • nodes: vector of Nodes. Each node holds two indices pointing to other nodes in the vector, or 0 if the node is a leaf.

    Methods implemented:

    copy, keytype, keys, subdivide #, etc...


    subdivide!(tree::TreePartition, key::keytype(tree)) -> TreePartition
    subdivide!(tree::TreePartition, depth::Integer) -> TreePartition
    subdivide!(boxset::BoxSet{<:Any,<:Any,<:TreePartition}, key) -> BoxSet
    subdivide!(boxset::BoxSet{<:Any,<:Any,<:TreePartition}, depth) -> BoxSet

    Subdivide a TreePartition at key. Dimension along which the node is subdivided depends on the depth of the node.


    Return the depth of the tree structure.

    tree_search(tree, point, max_depth=Inf) -> key, node_idx

    Find the key and correspoinding node index within the tree data structure containing a point.

    leaves(tree, initial_node_idx=1)

    Return the node indices of all leaves. Begins search at initial_node_idx, i.e. only returns node indices of nodes below initial_node_idx within the tree.


    Return all keys within the tree, including keys not corresponding to leaf nodes.

    BoxSet(partition, indices::AbstractSet)

    Internal data structure to hold boxes within a partition.


    • set of all boxes in partition / box set P:
    B = cover(P, :)    
    • cover the point x, or points x = [x_1, x_2, x_3] # etc ... using boxes from P
    B = cover(P, x)
    • a covering of S using boxes from P
    S = [Box(center_1, radius_1), Box(center_2, radius_2), Box(center_3, radius_3)] # etc... 
    B = cover(P, S)


    • partition: the partition that the set is defined over
    • set: set of partition-keys corresponding to the boxes in the set

    Most set operations such as

    union, intersect, setdiff, symdiff, issubset, isdisjoint, issetequal, isempty, length, # etc...

    are supported.

    neighborhood(B::BoxSet) -> BoxSet
    nbhd(B::BoxSet) -> BoxSet

    Return a one-box wide neighborhood of a BoxSet B.

    BoxMap(map, domain) -> SampledBoxMap

    Transforms a $map: Q → Q$ defined on points in the domain $Q ⊂ ℝᴺ$ to a SampledBoxMap defined on Boxes.

    By default uses adaptive test-point sampling. For SIMD- and GPU-accelerated BoxMaps, uses a grid of test points by default.

    BoxMap(:sampled, map, domain::Box, domain_points, image_points)

    Type representing a discretization of a map using sample points.


    • map: map that defines the dynamical system.
    • domain: domain of the map, B.
    • domain_points: the spread of test points to be mapped forward in intersection algorithms. Must have the signature domain_points(center, radius) and return an iterator of points within Box(center, radius).
    • image_points: the spread of test points for comparison in intersection algorithms. Must have the signature domain_points(center, radius) and return an iterator of points within Box(center, radius).


    BoxMap(:adaptive, f, domain::Box) -> SampledBoxMap

    Construct a SampledBoxMap which uses sample_adaptive to generate test points as described in

    Oliver Junge. “Rigorous discretization of subdivision techniques”. In: International Conference on Differential Equations. Ed. by B. Fiedler, K. Gröger, and J. Sprekels. 1999.

    BoxMap(:pointdiscretized, map, domain, points) -> SampledBoxMap

    Construct a SampledBoxMap that uses the iterator points as test points. points must be an array or iterator of test points within the unit cube [-1,1]^N.

    BoxMap(:pointdiscretized, :simd, map, domain, points) -> CPUSampledBoxMap

    Construct a CPUSampledBoxMap that uses the iterator points as test points. points must have eltype SVector{N, SIMD.Vec{S,T}} and be within the unit cube [-1,1]^N.

    BoxMap(:pointdiscretized, :gpu, map, domain::Box{N}, points) -> GPUSampledBoxMap

    Construct a GPUSampledBoxMap that uses the Vector points as test points. points must be a VECTOR of test points within the unit cube [-1,1]^N.

    Requires a CUDA-capable gpu.

    BoxMap(:grid, map, domain::Box{N}; n_points::NTuple{N} = ntuple(_->16, N)) -> SampledBoxMap

    Construct a SampledBoxMap that uses a grid of test points. The size of the grid is defined by n_points, which is a tuple of length equal to the dimension of the domain.

    BoxMap(:grid, :simd, map, domain::Box{N}; n_points::NTuple{N} = ntuple(_->16, N)) -> CPUSampledBoxMap

    Construct a CPUSampledBoxMap that uses a grid of test points. The size of the grid is defined by n_points, which is a tuple of length equal to the dimension of the domain. The number of points is rounded up to the nearest mutiple of the cpu's SIMD capacity.

    BoxMap(:grid, :gpu, map, domain::Box{N}; n_points::NTuple{N} = ntuple(_->16, N)) -> GPUSampledBoxMap

    Construct a GPUSampledBoxMap that uses a grid of test points. The size of the grid is defined by n_points, which is a tuple of length equal to the dimension of the domain.

    Requires a CUDA-capable gpu.

    BoxMap(:montecarlo, map, domain::Box{N}; n_points=16*N) -> SampledBoxMap

    Construct a SampledBoxMap that uses n_points Monte-Carlo test points.

    BoxMap(:montecarlo, :simd, map, domain::Box{N}; n_points=16*N) -> SampledBoxMap

    Construct a CPUSampledBoxMap that uses n_points Monte-Carlo test points. The number of points is rounded up to the nearest multiple of the cpu's SIMD capacity.

    BoxMap(:montecarlo, :gpu, map, domain::Box{N}; n_points=16*N) -> GPUSampledBoxMap

    Construct a GPUSampledBoxMap that uses n_points Monte-Carlo test points.

    Requires a CUDA-capable gpu.

    BoxMap(:interval, map, domain::Box{N}; n_subintervals::NTuple{N} = ntuple(_->4, N)) -> IntervalBoxMap
    BoxMap(:interval, map, domain::Box{N}; n_subintervals::Function) -> IntervalBoxMap

    Type representing a discretization of a map using interval arithmetic to construct rigorous outer coverings of map images. n_subintervals describes how many times a given box will be subdivided before mapping. n_subintervals is a Function which has the signature n_subintervals(center, radius) and returns a tuple. If a tuple is passed directly for n_subintervals, then this is converted to a constant Function (_, _) -> n_subintervals


    • map: Map that defines the dynamical system.
    • domain: Domain of the map, B.
    • n_subintervals: Function with the signature n_subintervals(center, radius) which returns a tuple describing how many times a box is subdivided in each dimension before mapping.


    BoxMeasure(partition, vals)

    Discrete measure with support on partition.domain, and a density with respect to the volume measure which is piecewise constant on the boxes of its support.

    Implemented as a dictionary mapping partition keys to weights.


    • BoxMeasure with constant weight 0 of Type T (default Float64)

    supported over a BoxSet B:

    μ = BoxMeasure(B, T)
    • BoxMeasure with specified weights per key
    P = B.partition
    weights = Dict( key => 1 for key in keys(B) )
    BoxMeasure(P, weights)
    • BoxMeasure with vector of weights supportted over a BoxSet B:
    weights = rand(length(B))
    μ = BoxMeasure(B, weights)

    (Note that since Boxsets do not have a deterministic iteration order by default, this may have unintented results. This constructor should therefore only be used with BoxSet{<:Any, <:Any, <:OrderedSet} types)


    • partition: An AbstractBoxPartition whose indices are used

    for vals

    • vals: A dictionary whose keys are the box indices from

    partition, and whose values are the measure fo the corresponding box.

    Methods implemented:

    length, sum, iterate, values, isapprox, ∘, LinearAlgebra.norm, LinearAlgebra.normalize!
    Norms of BoxMeasures

    The p-norm of a BoxMeasure is the L^p function norm of its density (w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure).

    sum(f, μ::BoxMeasure)
    sum(f, μ::BoxMeasure, B::BoxSet)
    μ(B) = sum(x->1, μ, B)

    Approximate the value of

    \[\int_Q f \, d\mu .\]

    If a BoxSet B is passed as the third argument, then the integration is restricted to the boxes in B

    \[\int_{Q \cap \bigcup_{b \in B} b} f \, d\mu .\]

    The notation μ(B) is offered to compute $\mu (\bigcup_{b \in B} b)$.

    ∘(f, boxmeas::BoxMeasure) -> BoxMeasure
    ∘(boxmeas::BoxMeasure, F::BoxMap) -> BoxMeasure

    Postcompose the function f with the boxmeas, or precompose a BoxMap F with the boxmeas (by applying the Koopman operator). Note that the support of BoxMeasure must be forward-invariant under F.

    TransferOperator(map::BoxMap, domain::BoxSet)
    TransferOperator(map::BoxMap, domain::BoxSet, codomain::BoxSet)

    Discretization of the Perron-Frobenius operator, or transfer operator. Implemented as a sparse matrix with indices referring to two BoxSets: domain and codomain.

    There exists two constructors:

    • only provide a boxmap and a domain. In this case, the codomain is generated as the image of domain under the boxmap.
      julia> P = BoxPartition( Box((0,0), (1,0)), (10,10) )
        10 x 10 - element BoxPartition
      julia> domain = BoxSet( P, Set((1,2), (2,3), (3,4)) )
        3 - element Boxset over 10 x 10 - element BoxPartition
      julia> T = TransferOperator(boxmap, domain)
        TransferOperator over [...]
    • provide domain and codomain. In this case, the size of the transition matrix is given.
      julia> codomain = domain
        3 - element Boxset over 10 x 10 - element BoxPartition
      julia> T = TransferOperator(boxmap, domain, codomain)
        TransferOperator over [...]


    • mat: SparseMatrixCSC containing transfer weights. The index T.mat[i,j] represents the transfer weight FROM the j'th box in codomain TO the i'th box in domain.
    • boxmap: SampledBoxMap map which dictates the transfer weights.
    • domain: BoxSet which contains keys for the already calculated transfers. Effectively, these are column pointers, i.e. the jth column of T.mat contains transfer weights FROM box Bj, where Bj is the jth box of domain.
    • codomain: BoxSet which contains keys for the already calculated transfers. Effectively, these are row pointers, i.e. the ith row of T.mat contains transfer weights TO box Bi, where Bi is the ith box of codomain.
            domain -->
    codomain  .   .   .   .   .
        |     .   .   .   .   .
        |     .   .   .   .   .
        v     .   .  mat  .   .
              .   .   .   .   .
              .   .   .   .   .
              .   .   .   .   .
              .   .   .   .   .

    It is important to note that TranferOperator is only supported over the box set domain, but if one lets a TranferOperator act on a BoxMeasure, e.g. by multiplication, then the domain is extended "on the fly" to include the support of the BoxMeasure.

    Methods Implemented:

    :(==), size, eltype, getindex, setindex!, SparseArrays.sparse, Arpack.eigs, LinearAlgebra.mul! #, etc ...

    Implementation detail:

    The reader may have noticed that the matrix representation depends on the order of boxes in support. For this reason an OrderedSet is used. BoxSets using regular Sets will be copied and converted to OrderedSets.


    eigs(gstar::TransferOperator [; kwargs...]) -> (d,[v,],nconv,niter,nmult,resid)

    Compute a set of eigenvalues d and eigenmeasures v of gstar. Works with the adjoint Koopman operator as well. All keyword arguments from Arpack.eigs can be passed. See the documentation for Arpack.eigs.

    svds(gstar::TransferOperator [; kwargs...]) -> ([U,], σ, [V,], nconv, niter, nmult, resid)

    Compute a set of

    • singular values σ
    • left singular vectors U
    • right singular vectors V

    of gstar, where U and V are Vectors of BoxMeasures. Works with the adjoint Koopman operator as well. All keyword arguments from Arpack.svds can be passed. See the documentation for Arpack.svds.

    key_to_index(iterable, key)

    Find the index in 1..length(iterable) which holds key, or return nothing. Used to enumerate BoxSets as $\left\{ B_1, B_2, \ldots, B_n \right\}$ in TransferOperator, BoxGraph.

    index_to_key(iterable, i)

    Return the object held in the ith position of iterable. Used to enumerate BoxSets as $\left\{ B_1, B_2, \ldots, B_n \right\}$ in TransferOperator, BoxGraph.
