Using the GPU (Nvidia)


using GAIO

This example demonstrates how to get a vast speedup in your code using nvidia CUDA. The speedup factor increases exponentially with the complexity of the map.

Consider the point map f:

const σ, ρ, β = 10.0f0, 28.0f0, 0.4f0
function v(x)
    # Some map, here we use the Lorenz equation
    dx = (
           σ * x[2] -    σ * x[1],
           ρ * x[1] - x[1] * x[3] - x[2],
        x[1] * x[2] -    β * x[3]
    return dx

# set f as 100 steps of the classic 4th order RK method
f(x) = rk4_flow_map(v, x, 0.002f0, 100)
Single vs Double Precision Arithmetic

For best results, ensure that your functions only use 32-bit operations, as GPUs are not efficient with 64-bit.

GAIO can convert your BoxPartition to 32-bit automatically when you use GPU acceleration, but preferred are still explicit 32-bit literals like

center, radius = (0f0,0f0,25f0), (30f0,30f0,30f0)

instead of center, radius = (0,0,25), (30,30,30).

All we need to do is load the CUDA.jl package and pass :gpu as the second argument to one of the box map constructors, eg. BoxMap(:montecarlo, ...), BoxMap(:grid, ...).

using CUDA

center, radius = (0f0,0f0,25f0), (30f0,30f0,30f0)
Q = Box(center, radius)
P = BoxPartition(Q, (128,128,128))
F = BoxMap(:montecarlo, :simd, f, Q)

x = (sqrt(β*(ρ-1)), sqrt(β*(ρ-1)), ρ-1)
S = cover(P, x)
@time W = unstable_set(F, S)

Using CUDA, one can achieve a more than 100-fold increase in performance. However, the performance increase is dependent on the complexity of the map f. For "simple" maps (eg. f from above with 20 steps), the GPU accelerated version will actually perform worse because computation time is dominated by the time required to transfer data across the (comparatively slow) PCIe bus. The GPU accelerated version only beats the CPU accelerated version if f is set to use more than 40 steps. Hence it is highly recommended to use the GPU if the map f is not dominated by memory transfer speed, but not recommended otherwise. For more detail, see [18].

performance metrics

I get InvalidIRError due to unsupported dynamic function invocation

CUDA.jl generally give somewhat cryptic error messages. An unsupported dynamic function invocation can be caused by a simple error in the code. Hence, first try algorithms with f WITHOUT using the GPU, and ensure that no errors occur.

If you still recieve dynamic function invocations, there likely is an operation somewhere in f which is not supported in CUDA.jl. A deliberately unsupported function can be for example matrix factorization, matrix-matrix multiplication, etc. because this is typically a performance trap if done on a single GPU thread. One option for linear algebra based functions which cause unsupported dynamic function invocations is to use StaticArrays. StaticArrays implements specialized methods for many low-dimensional linear algebra routines, allowing one to escape the standard methods which may cause unsupported dynamic function invocations. However, this is not a solution for all such problems, so a read through the CUDA.jl documentation, opening an issue on the GAIO.jl repo, or posting a question on the GPU category of julia Discourse for help may be necessary.