
We can even further generalize the concept of MonteCarloBoxMap, GridBoxMap, PointDiscretizedBoxMap as follows: we define two functions domain_points(c, r) and image_points(c, r) for any Box(c, r).

  1. for each box Box(c, r) a set of test points within the box is initialized using domain_points(C, r) and mapped forward by the point map.
  2. For each of the pointwise images fc, an optional set of "perturbations" can be applied. These perturbations are generated with image_points(fc, r). The boxes which are hit by these perturbations are recorded.
BoxMap(:sampled, map, domain::Box, domain_points, image_points)

Type representing a discretization of a map using sample points.


  • map: map that defines the dynamical system.
  • domain: domain of the map, B.
  • domain_points: the spread of test points to be mapped forward in intersection algorithms. Must have the signature domain_points(center, radius) and return an iterator of points within Box(center, radius).
  • image_points: the spread of test points for comparison in intersection algorithms. Must have the signature domain_points(center, radius) and return an iterator of points within Box(center, radius).




julia> using StaticArrays
       # we will recreate the AdaptiveBoxMap using SampledBoxMap
julia> domain_points(center, radius) = sample_adaptive(f, center, radius) # vertices of a boxdomain_points (generic function with 1 method)
julia> vertex_test_points = SVector{2,Float64}[ (1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1) ]4-element Vector{SVector{2, Float64}}: [1.0, 1.0] [1.0, -1.0] [-1.0, 1.0] [-1.0, -1.0]
julia> image_points(center, radius) = (radius .* p .+ center for p in vertex_test_points)image_points (generic function with 1 method)
julia> F = BoxMap(:sampled, f, domain, domain_points, image_points)SampledBoxMap with 201 sample points
julia> p = plot!( p, F(B), color=RGBA(1.,0.,0.,0.5), lab="Recreation of AdaptiveBoxMap using SampledBoxMap" )Plot{Plots.GRBackend() n=4}

Sampled BoxMap

Example (continued)

julia> # we will now extend AdaptiveBoxMap to use a set of "fallback" test points
julia> fallback_points = SVector{2,Float64}[ 2 .* rand(2) .- 1 for _ in 1:30 ];
julia> function domain_points(center, radius) try sample_adaptive(f, center, radius) catch exception (center .+ radius .* point for point in fallback_points) end end # vertices of a boxdomain_points (generic function with 1 method)
julia> image_points(center, radius) = (radius .* p .+ center for p in vertex_test_points)image_points (generic function with 1 method)
julia> F = BoxMap(:sampled, f, domain, domain_points, image_points)SampledBoxMap with 201 sample points
julia> p = plot!( p, F(B), color=RGBA(1.,0.,0.,0.5), lab="Recreation of AdaptiveBoxMap using fallback points if an exception is thrown" )Plot{Plots.GRBackend() n=4}

Sampled BoxMap