Creating you own BoxMap type

Subtypes of the abstract type BoxMap must have four restrictions:

  1. There must be a domain field within the type, i.e.
    struct MyBoxMap{N,T}
        # other things ...
  2. There must be a method map_boxes(g::MyBoxMap, source::BoxSet) which computes the setwise image of source under g and returns a BoxSet.
  3. There must be a method construct_transfers(g::BoxMap, domain::BoxSet, codomain::BoxSet) which computes a dictionary-of-keys sparse matrix mat with mat[(hit_key, source_key)] = weight for the TransferOperator, where hit_key ∈ codomain.set and source_key ∈ domain.set.
  4. There must be a method construct_transfers(g::MyBoxMap, source::BoxSet) which computes a dictionary-of-keys sparse matrix mat with mat[(hit_key, source_key)] = weight for the TransferOperator, as well as a BoxSet called image which is the setwise image of source (i.e. the return value of map_boxes). These are both returned by construct_transfers(g::MyBoxMap, source::BoxSet).