Transfer Operator and Box Measures

Mathematical Background

The following description is given in [9].

The transfer operator $f_{\#}$ w.r.t. $f$ is defined for measures $μ$ through the equation

\[(f_{\#}\,\mu) (A) = \mu (f^{-1}(A)) \quad \text{for any} \ \ A \ \ \text{measurable}\]

This is a bounded linear operator on the space of finite signed measures. We will use an approximation for $f_{\#}$ which maintains the eigenvalues and cyclic behavior of $f_{\#}$ commonly known as Ulam's method. In particular we are interested in measures which satisfy $f_{\#}\,\mu = \mu$, called invariant under $f$.

We enumerate the box set $B = \{ b_1, b_2, ..., b_n \}$ with integer indices and parameterize an approximate invariant measure

\[ \mu(C) = \sum_{j = 1}^n h_j \frac{m(b_j \cap C)}{m(b_j)} \quad \text{for nonnegative coefficients}\ h_1, \ldots, h_n\]

where $m$ is the Lebesgue measure. We enforce the condition $f_{\#}\,\mu = \mu$ on the box set $B$:

\[ h_j = \mu (b_j) \overset{!}{=} (f_{\#}\,\mu) (b_j) = \sum_{k=1}^n T_{jk} \cdot h_k \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{coefficients}\ T_{jk} := \frac{m(b_k \cap f^{-1} (b_j))}{m(b_k)} . \]

The resulting matrix elements $T_{jk}$ gives the (conditional) probability that $f$ maps a point from $b_k$ to $b_j$.

The operator approximation $F♯$ can be created in GAIO.jl by calling

F♯ = TransferOperator(F, B)    # `♯` written as \sharp<TAB>

where F is a BoxMap and B is a box set. In this case, the codomain is generated automatically. This is not always ideal, so the codomain can be specified as an argument

F♯ = TransferOperator(F, B, R)

where R is also a BoxSet.

F♯ acts as a matrix in every way, but the explicit transfer weights from $F♯$ can be generated by calling

M = Matrix(F♯)

It is important to note that TransferOperator is only supported over the box set B, but if one lets a TransferOperator act on a BoxMeasure via multiplication (see the example below), then the support B is extended "on the fly" to include the support of the BoxMeasure.

TransferOperator(map::BoxMap, domain::BoxSet)
TransferOperator(map::BoxMap, domain::BoxSet, codomain::BoxSet)

Discretization of the Perron-Frobenius operator, or transfer operator. Implemented as a sparse matrix with indices referring to two BoxSets: domain and codomain.

There exists two constructors:

  • only provide a boxmap and a domain. In this case, the codomain is generated as the image of domain under the boxmap.
    julia> P = BoxPartition( Box((0,0), (1,0)), (10,10) )
      10 x 10 - element BoxPartition
    julia> domain = BoxSet( P, Set((1,2), (2,3), (3,4)) )
      3 - element Boxset over 10 x 10 - element BoxPartition
    julia> T = TransferOperator(boxmap, domain)
      TransferOperator over [...]
  • provide domain and codomain. In this case, the size of the transition matrix is given.
    julia> codomain = domain
      3 - element Boxset over 10 x 10 - element BoxPartition
    julia> T = TransferOperator(boxmap, domain, codomain)
      TransferOperator over [...]


  • mat: SparseMatrixCSC containing transfer weights. The index T.mat[i,j] represents the transfer weight FROM the j'th box in codomain TO the i'th box in domain.
  • boxmap: SampledBoxMap map which dictates the transfer weights.
  • domain: BoxSet which contains keys for the already calculated transfers. Effectively, these are column pointers, i.e. the jth column of T.mat contains transfer weights FROM box Bj, where Bj is the jth box of domain.
  • codomain: BoxSet which contains keys for the already calculated transfers. Effectively, these are row pointers, i.e. the ith row of T.mat contains transfer weights TO box Bi, where Bi is the ith box of codomain.
        domain -->
codomain  .   .   .   .   .
    |     .   .   .   .   .
    |     .   .   .   .   .
    v     .   .  mat  .   .
          .   .   .   .   .
          .   .   .   .   .
          .   .   .   .   .
          .   .   .   .   .

It is important to note that TranferOperator is only supported over the box set domain, but if one lets a TranferOperator act on a BoxMeasure, e.g. by multiplication, then the domain is extended "on the fly" to include the support of the BoxMeasure.

Methods Implemented:

:(==), size, eltype, getindex, setindex!, SparseArrays.sparse, Arpack.eigs, LinearAlgebra.mul! #, etc ...

Implementation detail:

The reader may have noticed that the matrix representation depends on the order of boxes in support. For this reason an OrderedSet is used. BoxSets using regular Sets will be copied and converted to OrderedSets.


BoxMeasure(partition, vals)

Discrete measure with support on partition.domain, and a density with respect to the volume measure which is piecewise constant on the boxes of its support.

Implemented as a dictionary mapping partition keys to weights.


  • BoxMeasure with constant weight 0 of Type T (default Float64)

supported over a BoxSet B:

μ = BoxMeasure(B, T)
  • BoxMeasure with specified weights per key
P = B.partition
weights = Dict( key => 1 for key in keys(B) )
BoxMeasure(P, weights)
  • BoxMeasure with vector of weights supportted over a BoxSet B:
weights = rand(length(B))
μ = BoxMeasure(B, weights)

(Note that since Boxsets do not have a deterministic iteration order by default, this may have unintented results. This constructor should therefore only be used with BoxSet{<:Any, <:Any, <:OrderedSet} types)


  • partition: An AbstractBoxPartition whose indices are used

for vals

  • vals: A dictionary whose keys are the box indices from

partition, and whose values are the measure fo the corresponding box.

Methods implemented:

length, sum, iterate, values, isapprox, ∘, LinearAlgebra.norm, LinearAlgebra.normalize!
Norms of BoxMeasures

The p-norm of a BoxMeasure is the L^p function norm of its density (w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure).

sum(f, μ::BoxMeasure)
sum(f, μ::BoxMeasure, B::BoxSet)
μ(B) = sum(x->1, μ, B)

Approximate the value of

\[\int_Q f \, d\mu .\]

If a BoxSet B is passed as the third argument, then the integration is restricted to the boxes in B

\[\int_{Q \cap \bigcup_{b \in B} b} f \, d\mu .\]

The notation μ(B) is offered to compute $\mu (\bigcup_{b \in B} b)$.

∘(f, boxmeas::BoxMeasure) -> BoxMeasure
∘(boxmeas::BoxMeasure, F::BoxMap) -> BoxMeasure

Postcompose the function f with the boxmeas, or precompose a BoxMap F with the boxmeas (by applying the Koopman operator). Note that the support of BoxMeasure must be forward-invariant under F.


Example : Invariant Measure of the Lorenz Attractor

using GAIO

# the Lorenz system
const σ, ρ, β = 10.0, 28.0, 0.4
v((x,y,z)) = (σ*(y-x), ρ*x-y-x*z, x*y-β*z)
f(x) = rk4_flow_map(v, x)

center, radius = (0,0,25), (30,30,30)
P = BoxPartition(Box(center, radius), (256,256,256))
F = BoxMap(f, P)

x = (sqrt(β*(ρ-1)), sqrt(β*(ρ-1)), ρ-1)         # equilibrium
S = cover(P, x)
W = unstable_set(F, S)

F♯ = TransferOperator(F, W, W)
λ, ev = eigs(F♯)

3-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
 1.0000000000000018 + 0.0im
 0.7932752062814433 + 0.5853250447332556im
 0.7932752062814433 - 0.5853250447332556im
μ = log ∘ abs ∘ ev[1]
BoxMeasure in 256 x 256 x 256 - element BoxPartition with 202489 boxes in its suport
using GLMakie
fig = Figure();
ax = Axis3(fig[1,1], azimuth=pi/10);
ms = plot!(ax, μ, colormap=:jet);
Colorbar(fig[1,2], ms);

Invariant Measure of the Lorenz Attractor

Example 2: Showcase of BoxMeasure Functionalities

using GAIO

# the box [-1, 1]²
domain = Box((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0))
partition = BoxPartition(domain, (16,8))

# left / right halves of the domain
left  = cover(partition, Box((-0.5, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0)))
right = cover(partition, Box((0.5, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0)))
full  = cover(partition, :)
128 - element BoxSet in 16 x 8 - element BoxPartition
# create measures with constant weight 1 per box
n = length(left)
scale = volume(domain) / 2n
μ_left  = BoxMeasure(left, ones(n) .* scale)
μ_right = BoxMeasure(right, ones(n) .* scale)
μ_full  = BoxMeasure(full, ones(2n) .* scale)
BoxMeasure in 16 x 8 - element BoxPartition with 128 boxes in its suport
# vector space operations are supported for measures
μ_left + μ_right     ==  μ_full
μ_full - μ_left      ==  μ_right
μ_left - μ_full      == -μ_right
2*μ_left + 2*μ_right ==  μ_full + μ_full
μ_left/2 + μ_right/2 ==  μ_full/2
# horizontal translation map
f((x, y)) = (x+1, y)

# BoxMap which uses one sample point in the center of each box
F = BoxMap(:sampled, f, domain, center, center)

# compute the transfer operator over the domain
T = TransferOperator(F, full, full)
128 x 128 TransferOperator over 16 x 8 - element BoxPartition with 64 stored entries:

# Compute the pushforward / pullback measures by using the transfer operator
T*μ_left  == μ_right
T'μ_right == μ_left
μ_full(domain) == volume(domain)
# integration w.r.t. the measures
g(x) = 2
sum(g, μ_full) == 2*volume(domain)
# vector space operations
(2*μ_full)(domain) == 2*volume(domain)
# composition of measures with scalar functions
μ_full2 = (x -> 2x) ∘ μ_full
μ_full2(domain) == 2*volume(domain)