Root Covering

Mathematical Background

Nonlinear optimization theory offers a multitude of algorithms to iteratively approximate roots of functions $h : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}^d$, that is, algorithms $f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}^d$ such that (under some conditions) $f^k (x) \to x_0$ as $k \to \infty$ with $h(x_0) = \mathbf{0}$. We can consider these algorithms from the point of view of dynamics, and reframe the problem of finding a root of $h$ to finding a fixed point of $f$.

Specifically, we will consider $f$ to be a globalized Newton algorithm. One step of the (local) Newton algorithm follows the specification: solve the linear equation

\[Dh (x) d = - h(x)\]

and set

\[f(x) = x + d, \]

where $Dh (x)$ is the Jacobi matrix of $h$ at $x$.

The local Newton algorithm is not guaranteed to converge to a global solution to $h(x) = 0$. To rectify this, the step size $\| d \|$ and direction $d / \| d \|$ need to be modified. There are multiple heuristics to do this, and GAIO.jl uses the "Armijo rule": fix some $\sigma < 1$ and find the largest $\alpha \leq 1$ such that

\[h(x + \alpha d) - h(x) \leq \alpha \sigma \, Dh (x)^T d.\]

This is done by initializing $\alpha = 1$ and testing the above condition. If it is not satisfied, scale $\alpha$ by some constant $\rho$, ie set $\alpha = \rho \cdot \alpha$, and test the condition again. GAIO.jl uses $\sigma = 10^{-4}$ and $\rho = 4 / 5$.

Using this iterative solver, one can follow a technique very similar to the algorithm for the realtive attractor.

  1. subdivision step: The box set B is subdivided once, i.e. every box is bisected along one axis, which gives rise to a new partition of the domain, with double the amount of boxes. This is saved in B.
  2. selection step: The box set B is mapped forward using one step of the adaptive newton algorithm.

If we repeadetly refine the box set B through $k$ subdivision steps, then as $k \to \infty$ the collection of boxes converges to the set of roots of h in the Hausdorff metric.

cover_roots(g, Dg, B::BoxSet; steps=12) -> BoxSet

Compute a covering of the roots of g within the partition P. Generally, B should be a box set containing the whole partition P, ie B = cover(P, :), and should contain a root of g.

armijo_rule(g, Dg, x, d, σ=1e-4, ρ=0.8, α₀=0.05, α₁=1.0)

Find a step size multiplier $\alpha \in (\alpha_0, \alpha_1]$ such that

\[g(x + \alpha d) - g(x) \leq \alpha \sigma \, Dg(x) \cdot d\]

This is done by initializing $\alpha = 1$ and testing the above condition. If it is not satisfied, scale $\alpha$ by some constant $\rho < 1$ (i.e. set $\alpha = \rho \cdot \alpha$), and test the condition again.



using GAIO
using LinearAlgebra

# domain (-40,40)^n, 3^n roots in domain
g(x) = 100*x + x.^2 - x.^3 .- sum(x)
function Dg(x)  # jacobian
    n = length(x)
    100*I(n) + 2*Diagonal(x) - 3*Diagonal(x.^2) + ones(n,n)

dim = 3
center, radius = zeros(dim), 40*ones(dim)
P = BoxPartition(Box(center, radius))

S = cover(P, :)
R = cover_roots(g, Dg, S, steps=dim*8)

#using Plots       # plot a 2D projection
using GLMakie

fig, ax, ms = plot(R);

Root covering


function cover_roots(g, Dg, B₀::BoxSet{Box{N,T}}; steps=12) where {N,T}
    # B₀ is a set of `N`-dimensional boxes
    B = B₀
    domain = B.partition.domain
    for k in 1:steps
        B = subdivide(B, (k % N) + 1)       # cycle through dimesions for subdivision
        f(x) = adaptive_newton_step(g, Dg, x, k)
        F = BoxMap(f, domain)          # define a BoxMap which performs one newton step
        B = F(B)                       # map the set forward along the newton step
    return B