Relative Attractor

Mathematical Background

The set

\[A_Q = \bigcap_{k \geq 0} f^k(Q)\]

is called the global attractor relative to $Q$ [8]. The relative global attractor can be seen as the set which is eventually approached by every orbit originating in $Q$. In particular, $A_Q$ contains each backward invariant set in $Q$ - it is the maximal backward invariant set. The idea of the algorithm is to cover the relative global attractor with boxes and recursively tighten the covering by refining appropriately selected boxes.

In each iteration, two steps happen:

  1. subdivision step: The box set B is subdivided once, i.e. every box is bisected along one axis, which gives rise to a new partition of the domain, with double the amount of boxes. This is saved in B.
  2. selection step: All those boxes b in the new box set B whose image does not intersect the domain, i.e. $f(b) \cap \left( \bigcup_{b' \in B} b' \right) = \emptyset$, get discarded. Equivalently, we keep the set F(B) ∩ B.

If we repeatedly refine the box set B through $k$ subdivision steps, then as $k \to \infty$ the collection of boxes $B$ converges to the relative global attractor $A_Q$ in the Hausdorff metric.

relative_attractor(F::BoxMap, B::BoxSet; steps=12, subdivision=true) -> BoxSet
maximal_backward_invariant_set(F::BoxMap, B::BoxSet; steps=12, subdivision=true) -> BoxSet

Compute the attractor relative to B. B should be a (coarse) covering of the relative attractor, e.g. B = cover(P, :) for a partition P.



using GAIO

# the Henon map
const a, b = 1.4, 0.3
f((x,y)) = (1 - a*x^2 + y, b*x)

center, radius = (0, 0), (3, 3)
P = BoxPartition(Box(center, radius))
F = BoxMap(f, P)
S = cover(P, :)
A = relative_attractor(F, S, steps = 22)

using Plots

p = plot(A);
WARNING: using in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.

Relative attractor


function relative_attractor(F::BoxMap, B₀::BoxSet{Box{N,T}}; steps=12) where {N,T}
    # B₀ is a set of `N`-dimensional boxes
    B = B₀
    for k = 1:steps
        B = subdivide(B, (k % N) + 1)   # cycle through dimesions for subdivision
        B = B ∩ F(B)
    return B