Maximal Invariant Set

Mathematical Background

We say that a set $A$ is forward invariant under the dynamics of $f$ if

\[f (A) \subset A . \]

Analogously we can define a backward invariant set $A$ as a set which satisfies

\[f^{-1} (A) \subset A . \]

Finally, a set which is both forward- and backward invariant, i.e. satisfying

\[f (A) = f^{-1} (A) = A\]

is called invariant.

A natural question to ask is "given a dynamical system, what is the maximal (in the sense of inclusion) set which is invariant?" The answer is given by the set $\text{Inv} (Q)$ defined as follows.

Let $\mathcal{O}(x) = \left\{ \ldots,\, f^{-1}(x),\, x,\, f(x),\, \ldots \right\}$ denote the full orbit of a point $x$ in the domain $Q$. Then the set

\[\text{Inv} (Q) = \left\{ x \in Q : \mathcal{O} (x) \subset Q \right\}\]

is the set of all orbits contained entirely in $Q$. This is precisely the maximal invariant set.

The idea of the algorithm [8] is to cover the desired set with boxes and recursively tighten the covering by refining appropriately selected boxes. The algorithm requires a BoxMap F as well as a BoxSet B, and performs two steps:

  1. subdivision step: The box set B is subdivided once, i.e. every box is bisected along one axis, which gives rise to a new partition of the domain, with double the amount of boxes. This is saved as B.
  2. selection step: B is mapped forward under F. All boxes which do not satisfy the invariance condition $F (B) = B = F^{-1} (B)$ are discarded, i.e. only the box set C = F(B) ∩ B ∩ F⁻¹(B) is kept. This set can be computed by considering the transfer graph G restricted to B (as described in Chain Recurrent Set). C is precisely the set of vertices of G which have both an incoming and outgoing edge.

This algorithm can be analogously performed to find the maximal forward invariant set by replacing the selection step with selecting C = B ∩ F⁻¹(B), or the maximal backward invariant set by selecting C = F(B) ∩ B. The astute documentation reader might notice that the latter is precisely the algorithm for the relative attractor.

maximal_invariant_set(F::BoxMap, B::BoxSet; steps=12, subdivision=true)

Compute the maximal invariant set contained in B. B should be a (coarse) covering of an invariant set, e.g. B = cover(P, :) for a partition P.

maximal_forward_invariant_set(F::BoxMap, B::BoxSet; steps=12, subdivision=true)

Compute the maximal forward invariant set contained in B. B should be a (coarse) covering of a forward invariant set, e.g. B = cover(P, :) for a partition P.

preimage(F::BoxMap, B::BoxSet, Q::BoxSet) -> BoxSet

Compute the (restricted to Q) preimage of B under F, i.e.

\[F^{-1} (B) \cap Q . \]

Note that the larger $Q$ is, the more calculation time required.

preimage(F::BoxMap, B::BoxSet) -> BoxSet

Efficiently compute

\[F^{-1} (B) \cap B . \]

Significantly faster than calling preimage(F, B, B).

This is not the entire preimage in the mathematical sense!

preimage(F, B) computes the RESTRICTED preimage $F^{-1} (B) \cap B$, NOT the full preimage $F^{-1} (B)$.

symmetric_image(F::BoxMap, B::BoxSet) -> BoxSet

Efficiently compute

\[F (B) \cap B \cap F^{-1} (B) . \]

Internally performs the following computation (though more efficiently)

# create a measure with support over B
μ = BoxMeasure(B)

# compute transfer weights (restricted to B)
T = TransferOperator(F, B, B)

C⁺ = BoxSet(T*μ)    # support of pushforward measure
C⁻ = BoxSet(T'μ)    # support of pullback measure

C = C⁺ ∩ C⁻


using GAIO

# the Henon map
const a, b = 1.4, 0.3
f((x,y)) = (1 - a*x^2 + y, b*x)

center, radius = (0, 0), (3, 3)
P = BoxPartition(Box(center, radius))
F = BoxMap(f, P)
S = cover(P, :)
A = maximal_invariant_set(F, S, steps = 22)

using Plots: plot
#using WGLMakie: plot    # same result, just interactive

p = plot(A);

Maximal Invariant Set


GAIO.jl makes subdivision-based algorithms as the one above very easy to implement. As demonstration, this is the code used for maximal_invariant_set:

function maximal_invariant_set(F::BoxMap, B₀::BoxSet{Box{N,T}}; steps=12) where {N,T}
    # B₀ is a set of `N`-dimensional boxes
    B = B₀
    for k in 1:steps
        B = subdivide(B, (k % N) + 1)   # cycle through dimesions for subdivision
        B = symmetric_image(F, B, B)    # F(B) ∩ B ∩ F⁻¹(B)
    return B