Chain Recurrent Set

Mathematical Background

The chain recurrent set over $Q$ $R_Q$ is defined as the set of all $x_0 \in Q$ such that for every $\epsilon > 0$ there exists a set

\[\left\{ x_0,\, x_1,\, x_2,\, \ldots,\, x_{n-1} \right\} \subset Q \quad \text{with} \quad \| f(x_{i \, \text{mod} \, n}) - x_{i+1 \, \text{mod} \, n} \| < \epsilon \,\ \text{for all} \,\ i\]

The chain recurrent set describes "arbitrarily small perturbations" of periodic orbits. This definition is useful since our box coverings our finite and hence inherently slightly uncertain.

The idea for the algorithm is to construct a directed graph $G$ whose vertices are the box set $B$, and for which edges are drawn from $B_1$ to $B_2$ if $f(B_1) \cap B_2 \neq \emptyset$. This is referred to the transfer graph. We can now ask for a subset of the vertices, for which each vertex is part of a directed cycle. This set is equivalent to the strongly connected subset of $G$. We therefore perform two steps:

  1. subdivision step The box set B is subdivided once, i.e. every box is bisected along one axis, which gives rise to a new partition of the domain, with double the amount of boxes. This is saved in B.
  2. graph construction step Generate the graph G. This is done by generating the transition matrix over B (see the next algorithm) and noting the nonzero elements. This is the (transposed) adjacency matrix for the graph G.
  3. selection step Find the strongly connected subset of G. Discard all vertices (boxes) which are not part of a strongly connected component.

If we repeadetly refine the strongly connected box set through $k$ subdivision steps, then the algorithm converges to the chain recurrent set as $k \to \infty$ in the Hausdorff metric.

chain_recurrent_set(F::BoxMap, B::BoxSet; steps=12) -> BoxSet

Compute the chain recurrent set over the box set B. B should be a (coarse) covering of the relative attractor, e.g. B = cover(P, :) for a partition P.



using GAIO

# the Henon map
const a, b = 1.4, 0.3
f((x,y)) = (1 - a*x^2 + y, b*x)

center, radius = (0, 0), (3, 3)
P = BoxPartition(Box(center, radius))
F = BoxMap(f, P)
S = cover(P, :)
A = chain_recurrent_set(F, S, steps = 22)

using Plots
p = plot(A);
WARNING: using in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.

Chain Recurrent Set


using GAIO

# Van der Pol system
const ϵ = 1.5
v((x,y)) = (y, ϵ*y*(1-x^2) - x)

# time-0.2 flow map
f(x) = rk4_flow_map(v, x)

c, r = (0., 0.), (3.5, 3.5)
Q = Box(c, r)
P = BoxPartition(Q)
S = cover(P, :)

F = BoxMap(f, Q)
C = chain_recurrent_set(F, S, steps=18)

using Plots
p = plot(C);

Chain recurrent set

We find an unstable manifold surroundng a fixed point as well as a stable periodic orbit.


function chain_recurrent_set(F::BoxMap, B₀::BoxSet{Box{N,T}}; steps=12) where {N,T}
    # B₀ is a set of `N`-dimensional boxes
    B = B₀
    for k in 1:steps
        B = subdivide(B, (k % N) + 1)    # cycle through dimesions for subdivision
        P = TransferOperator(F, B, B)    # construct transfer matrix
        G = MatrixNetwork(P)             # view it as a graph
        SCC = scomponents(G)             # strongly connected components
        B = BoxSet(morse_tiles(P, SCC))  # collect the nontrivial strongly connected components
    return B