Box Dimension

Mathematical Background

The box dimension, or Minkowski-Bouligand dimension, is a measure of fractal dimension for sets. Denote by $N = N(\epsilon)$ the number of boxes with side length $\epsilon$ required to cover a set $A$. The box dimension is defined as

\[D = \underset{\epsilon \to 0}{\mathrm{lim\,inf}}\ \frac{\log N(\epsilon)}{\log (1/\epsilon)}. \]

If the above limit exists, then we can equivalently write the asymptotic equation $N(\epsilon) \sim K e^{-D}$ for some $K$. Thus, writing $d(\epsilon) = \log N(\epsilon) / \log (1/\epsilon)$ we have

\[d(\epsilon) - D \sim \frac{\log K}{\log (1/\epsilon)}.\]

The method used to compute $D$ follows that of [14]: it is difficult to make $d(\epsilon) - D$ small by shrinking $\epsilon$. However, for small $\epsilon$ the relationship between $d(\epsilon)$ and $1 / \log (1/\epsilon)$ will be approximately linear. Hence we extrapolate the value of $d(\epsilon)$ for $\epsilon \to 0$ by linear least-squares regression on $d(\epsilon)$ vs $1 / \log (1/\epsilon)$.

Using this method we have everything we need to compute the box dimension for general objects. All that is required is a sequence of successively finer box sets which cover the object.

box_dimension(boxsets) -> D

For an iterator boxsets of (successively finer) BoxSets, compute the box dimension D.


# F is some BoxMap, S is some BoxSet
box_dimension( relative_attractor(F, S, steps=k) for k in 1:20 )


using GAIO

# the Henon map
const a, b = 1.4, 0.3
f((x,y)) = (1 - a*x^2 + y, b*x)

center, radius = (0, 0), (3, 3)
Q = Box(center, radius)
P = BoxPartition(Q)
F = BoxMap(f, P)
S = cover(P, :)

box_dimension( relative_attractor(F, S, steps=k) for k in 1:20 )

This method is simple, however it is not the most efficient since in each iteration we have to recalculate the relative attractor to a new depth, even though we already calculated this. A slightly more complicated, but much more efficient method to do this is

# continuation of the example above

P = TreePartition(Q)
S = cover(P, :)

@kwdef mutable struct SubdivisionIterator{B<:BoxSet}
    step::Int = 1
    maxsteps::Int = 20

# Every time we iterate SubdivisionIterator,
# perform one step of the relative_attractor algorithm
function Base.iterate(s::SubdivisionIterator, state...)
    s.step == s.maxsteps && return nothing
    s.boxset = relative_attractor(F, s.boxset, steps=1)
    s.step += 1
    return (s.boxset, s.step)

s = SubdivisionIterator(boxset = S)